Sunday, 20 May 2012

First viewing

People came round yesterday afternoon to look at the house. They were a youngish couple with a seven year old boy who ran around the garden in circles enjoying the freedom of a good gallop. They loved it but I don't hold out hopes because the house would be too small. Anyway, it's a start. I suggested an open house to my agent but that just never happens, apparently. I love the British in most ways but marketing isn't their strong point.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

More of the new me

This is the link to the property I am hoping to buy but first I have to sell my house.
I think most of my followers have seen it but just in case.
My house went on the market today and now I just cross my fingers and hope for the best. It is a huge decision and, of course, I am mucho nervous. There are many things I will miss about Old Headington not the least of which is my neighbours on either side. I couldn't be living beside two better people than Diana and Kathleen. But I think it is time for a change and I am keen to be nearer the farm, Rachel and the family. Maybe Charlie will give me a job in the asparagus shed! I will update as soon as there is anything to report.