Tuesday, 12 June 2012

My house in a prior life

I found this picture on the internet. It used to be called B&B locksmiths.

Getting there, slowly

I was Johnny on the Spot about buying the house and even quicker about selling this one but now things are in the hands of the paper pushers. Surveys have been done on both houses. Cripley Road will need a few things doing but on the whole it appears to be in good shape for an old house. Of course it's not old like this one and I haven't heard anything from my buyers about things they think I should do. I remain convinced that moving is right for me. A fresh start will be a good thing and it will be better than good to be closer to Rachel and the family. I spoke to the solicitor last week and asked him for an estimate of possible closure and moving. He said eight weeks. When I stopped moaning and groaning, he explained that these things take time. So I'm looking at end of July. This too will pass.

Friday, 1 June 2012

New House

On site with Harry and Alison

Alison and Harry came up last Saturday to see the new house. Alison thought it was great, a positive response which pleased me enormously. She and Rachel both like it and it was a pleasure for me to sit with them and talk about room use and furniture placement. I am trying very hard not to jump the gun but, in my head, I'm living there. Surveys are scheduled for both houses for next week. A lot depends on the outcome so I am hoping for the best. Stay tuned.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

First viewing

People came round yesterday afternoon to look at the house. They were a youngish couple with a seven year old boy who ran around the garden in circles enjoying the freedom of a good gallop. They loved it but I don't hold out hopes because the house would be too small. Anyway, it's a start. I suggested an open house to my agent but that just never happens, apparently. I love the British in most ways but marketing isn't their strong point.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

More of the new me

This is the link to the property I am hoping to buy but first I have to sell my house.
I think most of my followers have seen it but just in case.
My house went on the market today and now I just cross my fingers and hope for the best. It is a huge decision and, of course, I am mucho nervous. There are many things I will miss about Old Headington not the least of which is my neighbours on either side. I couldn't be living beside two better people than Diana and Kathleen. But I think it is time for a change and I am keen to be nearer the farm, Rachel and the family. Maybe Charlie will give me a job in the asparagus shed! I will update as soon as there is anything to report.

Friday, 20 April 2012

After the funeral but still dressed up

The boys in the family rented black suits for the funeral

Adam in his 

Chloe and Adam resting

Rosie in her black dress and Charles in his suit




Shay's funeral was on Wednesday. It was a fitting sendoff for a wonderful man. The little stone church at the end of Binsey Lane was full to bursting with friends and family and many more were standing outside under umbrellas. It rained on and off, mostly on, for all the day. Had the day been fine, my plan was to park at the farm and walk down Binsey Lane to the church but I had to abandon that idea. Rachel had warned me to arrive early if I wanted to be inside and in a seat for the service. She was right. The service itself was simple and appropriate. Rachel and Charlie each read a poem and one of Shay's old friends delivered the eulogy, a beautiful tribute to this much loved man. Then we went out to the churchyard for the burial. Shay's wife, Barbara, died 14 years ago and was buried in the churchyard and now Shay rests beside her. I was doing fine until they lowered the coffin and then I lost it. He had a very good life and a good end to that life but it is the end of an era. We stood in the rain under our umbrellas and cried and then we went back to the farm to celebrate his life.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Monday, 9 April 2012


Rachel did Easter lunch for all seven of us. I say seven because, of course, Shay wasn't there. I sat in the place at the table where he always sits. It was very sad. I know that he was an old man (89) and it was better that he not linger in a vegetative state, blah, blah, blah. But he was a wonderful man and we will miss him; I will miss him. Being at the farm and knowing that he will not come out the door with a cheerful greeting, Millie coming along behind limping a bit and trying to wag her tail, leaves an empty feeling that is not going to go away any time soon. And what about his bicycle? One of the iconic sights of Binsey was Shay cycling along with Millie running behind. The funeral is next week, 18th at the little ancient stone church at the end of Binsey Lane. He will be buried in the churchyard beside Barbara.  

Friday, 30 March 2012

I passed

Got home from Ikea this afternoon to find the passport had arrived. The lady who interviewed me on Wednesday must have rushed out of the room when I left and said, "We gotta have her, we gotta have her." Anyway, here it is and I am mucho pleased.


I had my passport interview on Wednesday. Did it take place in Oxford or London? Of course not. I had to drive to Luton. Getting to the outskirts was no problem. Driving inside the town was a nightmare. I had given myself plenty of time and I needed it to find the car park and from there to find the building. The purpose of the interview is to make sure you are who you say you are. I was expecting questions about my parents and I had carefully memorized their dates. She also wanted to know where I did my shopping and what kind of house I live in. I told her Waitrose was my corner shop and I live in an 18th century stone cottage. That shut her up. The only thing I might have got wrong is my signature. I have been practicing the new one but I couldn't remember exactly how I wrote it on the application form. I should hear pretty soon whether I passed. At least I now have my Canadian passport back so I can travel on a whim if I want to.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Terrible Tuesdays

I know it is a long time since I have posted. Apologies but I have been busy being a citizen.

The title of this post refers to the fact that on Tuesdays I go to Weight Watchers and Staying Well After Depression. WW is at mid day and SW at 6PM. This means that I have lunch with fat people and supper with depressed people. The good thing about WW is that I have lost 13lbs. The good thing about SW is that I have learned to breathe and stay in the moment (whatever that means). SW finishes tonight and I won't miss it. WW goes on until I have lost 20lbs. total. I have also been going to the gym three times a week plus walking and I feel a lot better. The good weather has arrived. Lots of sun and warmth. Of course the downside of that is a hosepipe ban coming into effect next week. I will have to soak the hell out of the garden before it starts.

JF and Daniel are arriving this weekend and we are having a little party celebration of the citizenship (I'm milking this one for all it's worth) on Monday evening. It will be great to see them. I go to Luton tomorrow for my passport interview.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Big Day

Yesterday was ceremony day. Alison was already here helping me with my decluttering. Rachel met us at the Registry Office in town. Alison and I were suitably serious and subdued. Rachel turned up with a flag and a helium balloon - god bless her. The ceremony was suitably brief and to the point but said all the right things. I was so pleased. We went out for tea afterwards and then dispersed. I was proud to come home on the bus with my helium balloon. Last night was book club. Norma produced bubbly and everyone sang, "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow". I love my friends.

                                        Me with important man who presented the Certificate

                                                       Me with favourite helium balloon

                                                        Rachel brought the accoutrements

Alison and her British mother

Sunday, 26 February 2012


Alison arrives today to take on the job of decluttering my back sitting room. This is the room with the wall of bookshelves which are slowly disappearing under piles of stuff. Alison is ruthless when it comes to getting rid of things. She promises to let me keep what I really want but my decisions will be questioned. I was under orders from her not to drink last night so that I would be fresh and competent and on the ball today. Well, I went to a dinner party and it was so good and so much fun that I forgot the orders and had a few bevvies. I don't feel too bad this morning. Coffee, paracetamol and peanut butter sandwiches should see me right.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Another change

I have resigned from Headington Action. It is a great relief for me. I have been the minute secretary for almost a year and a half and I have never been comfortable in the job. The decision was made last week and I told the executive committee tonight at the monthly meeting. They took it well. Now I can concentrate on painting and writing.

I have found a friend who wants to meet up every week and we will write. We started on Tuesday by meeting at the library with our laptops. The idea is to do our own writing. Getting together to do it is simply a way of making it happen. We don't read each other's work. It is heads down and start typing. We worked for an hour and I made progress with one of my old stories which had never been finished. It is harder to find a similar set up for painting because of all the paraphernalia involved.

Time for dinner and a bit of telly.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

In the Ether

This is a weekend of internet fun. I set up a new email yesterday. The old one works so never hesitate to contact me. Now it is time for a new blog.